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Overseas Residential proxies: why Twitter accounts are vulnerable to lockdowns?
2023-08-04 15:27

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with millions of users posting messages, sharing ideas and interacting with each other on the platform every day. However, some users may find that their Twitter accounts are unfortunately caught in what is known as "blackout" status, where the account's visibility is restricted and the content posted cannot be viewed properly by other users. So why are Twitter accounts susceptible to blackout? How can overseas residential proxies help users avoid this situation? This article will reveal the secret for you.


First, the reasons why Twitter shut down the black house


1. Abusive behavior: Twitter has taken severe measures against abusive behavior, including publishing spam content, maliciously attacking others, and frequently posting repetitive content. If a user has been reported multiple times or the Twitter system monitors abusive behavior, the account may be caught in a small black room, limiting its visibility.


2. Violation of rules: Twitter has a series of usage rules and policies. If a user violates these rules, such as posting content involving violence, pornography, or copyright infringement, the account may be penalized by being placed in a black box.


3. Flagged as Sensitive: Twitter has automated algorithms that flag accounts as "sensitive", which may be considered potential abusers or disseminators of false information for one reason or another. This flagging may result in limited visibility of the account.


4. Suspected Bot Behavior: Twitter has certain restrictions on bot behavior. Users whose behavior is considered bot-like, such as frequent automated actions, lots of quick follows and unfollows, etc., may be identified as bots and restricted.


5. IP blocking: Twitter may block accounts based on IP addresses. If an IP address is identified as the source of abuse or violations, all accounts under that IP may be affected.


II. Overseas Residential proxies: Helping You Avoid Being Shut Down


Overseas residential proxies are an effective solution to help users avoid the risk of blackout and protect the visibility and stability of Twitter accounts. Overseas Residential Proxy excels in this area because it provides real residential IP with the following advantages:


1. Real residential IP: The IP address provided by Overseas Residential Proxy is from a real residential network, which is no different from the IP of ordinary users, and will not be easily recognized by the Twitter system as a proxy IP, which reduces the probability of being shut down in a small black room.


2. High degree of anonymity: The IP provided by the overseas residential proxy is highly anonymous, so users can hide their real IP address when using the proxy, thus avoiding the impact on other accounts due to IP blocking.


3. Global Coverage: Overseas residential proxies can provide IP addresses from all over the world, and users can switch IP addresses as needed to prevent accounts from being affected by IP blocking in specific regions.


4. Unlimited bandwidth: Overseas residential proxies usually provide unlimited bandwidth services to ensure that users can continue to use their Twitter accounts without hindrance.


5. Multi-account management: For users with multiple Twitter accounts, overseas residential proxies can help users conveniently manage and switch the IP of different accounts to avoid mutual interference between accounts.


Precautions for using overseas residential proxy


1. Choose a reliable service provider: Choose a high-profile and reputable overseas residential proxy service provider to ensure that the IP address provided is of high quality and good stability.


2. Reasonable use of proxy IP: When using proxies, you should comply with Twitter's rules and policies on the use of proxies, and avoid abusive behaviors and irregularities so as not to attract Twitter's attention.


3. Regularly change IP: Regularly changing proxy IP can increase the security of your account and prevent your IP from being marked as a sensitive account by the Twitter system.


4. Avoid robot behavior: When using proxies, you should avoid showing robot-like behavior, such as frequent automated operations, to keep your account authentic and humanized.




The vulnerability of a Twitter account to being shut down in a small dark room can be caused by a variety of reasons such as abusive behavior, violation of rules, being marked as a sensitive account, suspected bot behavior, IP blocking, and so on. To avoid this, users can choose to use overseas residential proxies, which offer the advantages of real residential IP, a high degree of anonymity, global coverage and unlimited bandwidth to help users avoid the risk of being shut down and protect the visibility and stability of their Twitter accounts. However, when using proxies, you still need to pay attention to the reasonable use of proxy IP, comply with Twitter's usage rules and policies, change IP regularly, and avoid displaying bot-like behaviors, so as to ensure the security and smooth operation of your account. By using overseas residential proxies wisely, you can feel confident in posting content on Twitter, interacting with your followers, and better realizing the business value of your Twitter account.