Die nutzerführer
Hilfezentrum? lumiproxy Die nutzerführer lumiproxy
VMLogin and Lumiproxy Proxy settings
0 Es ist ein aktuelles ereignis.

1. Select the residential proxies plan on the pricing page.

2. Select the right package and payment method, and click “Continue.”

3. Add a user at the "User List" section.

4.Click "User & Pass Auth" and select "Residential Proxy. "

5.Select and fill in the appropriate fields.

6.Open VMLogin Client -> New Browser -> Basic Settings -> Set Proxy Server.

7.Enable proxy server -> Proxy type select Socks 5 Proxy -> Enter the copied proxy credentials -> Click Check Network Test Proxy -> Save Settings.

Benötigen Sie Hilfe? E-Mail: support@lumiproxy.com

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