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How to Configure IP Proxy Service on Router?
2023-07-21 11:46

IP proxies can be used to protect privacy, improve network security, or for web crawling and data collection. Typically, we set up IP proxies on our personal computers or mobile devices, but you may be wondering if it is possible to set up an IP proxy on a router to enable proxy access to the entire network. In this article, we will discuss in detail the feasibility of setting up an IP proxy on a router and provide the corresponding instructions.


I. Feasibility of Setting IP Proxy on Router


1. Proxy type: It is feasible to set IP proxy on the router, but you need to pay attention to the proxy type. Routers usually support HTTP/HTTPS proxy and SOCKS proxy. HTTP/HTTPS proxy is mainly used for web browsing and some general network activities, while SOCKS proxy is more general and supports various network protocols, including mail, FTP, etc. The router can also support SOCKS proxy.


2. Router Performance: Router performance is also a factor to consider. Setting up IP proxies will increase the burden on the router, and if the router performance is low, it may lead to slower or unstable network speed.


3. Router model: Not all routers support setting up IP proxy, you need to make sure your router model supports this feature. Some high-end commercial routers usually provide more functional options, including setting IP proxy.


II. How to set IP proxy on router?


The following is an example of how to set up IP proxy on a router using a common OpenWrt router.


1. Log in to the router's background management interface: Open a browser, enter the router's default IP address (usually or, and log in to the router's background management interface by entering your user name and password.


2. Install the proxy service plug-in: In the background management interface of the router, enter the "Package Management" or "Plug-in Management" option to search and install the plug-in that supports proxy service. Commonly used proxy service plug-ins include Shadowsocks and Luci-app-shadowsocks.


3. Configure the proxy service: After the installation is completed, enter the configuration interface of the proxy service plug-in and fill in the relevant information of the proxy server, including the server IP address, port number, password and so on. This information is usually provided by you when you purchase the proxy service.


4. Enable Proxy Service: After the configuration is complete, click the Enable Proxy Service button, and the router will start to use the set IP proxy for network access.


Please note that when setting up the IP proxy, you need to purchase a reliable proxy service and make sure that the information provided, such as the proxy server address and port number, is accurate. It is also recommended that you back up your router's configuration before setting up the proxy service so that incorrect settings do not cause network connection problems.


III. Precautions for setting IP proxy


1. Choose a reliable proxy service provider: Make sure you choose a reliable proxy service provider when you purchase proxy service to guarantee the stability and speed of the proxy server.


2. Verify whether the proxy service is working properly: After setting up the proxy service, it is recommended to test whether the proxy is working properly, which can be verified through web browsing and application access.


3. Pay attention to privacy and security: When using an IP proxy, pay attention to privacy and security issues. Avoid using untrustworthy proxy service providers to prevent leakage of personal information.


4. Understand the proxy service policy: When using proxy services, understand the proxy service provider's usage policy and comply with relevant regulations to avoid violating laws and regulations.




It is feasible to set up IP proxy on the router, but you need to consider the router model and performance. Choosing a reliable proxy service provider and configuring the proxy service correctly is the key to ensuring network security and stability. Setting up an IP proxy can help you achieve privacy protection and geolocation camouflage for network access, improving network security and anonymity. However, you should also pay attention to comply with the relevant regulations and policies when using proxy services to ensure legal and compliant use of proxy services.